About Us

After a successful Kickstarter campaign back in 2022, we have released our first book “Scale modeling WW2 – German camouflage uniforms” to the market. And not only that. Our success and positive feedback from the community of military history and scale modeling fans motivated us to continue with our work. Actually, it’s not our work, it’s our life and passion!

In our projects, we try to use stylized reenactment photography combined with very detailed step-by-step scale modeling tutorials to capture and tell extraordinary human stories set in historical events to immerse readers in the past and faithfully portray it to them. Whether they make these miniatures for their own pleasure, their interest in history, or as a silent commemoration of those who have died in meaningless war conflicts.

Plastic Invasion s.r.o.

Klukovická 1526, Praha 5, 155 00

IČ: 03604926  |  DIČ: CZ03604926


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